duminică, 13 noiembrie 2011

Journey Open Arms live in 1982

Open Arms lyrics
 Lying beside you, here in the dark
Feeling your heart beat with mind
Softly you whisper, you're so sincere
How could our live be so blind
We sailed on together
We drifted apart
And here you are by my side.
So now I come to you with open arms
Nothing to hide, believe what I say
So here I am with open arms
Hoping you'll see what your love means to me
Open arms.

Living without you, living alone
This empty house seems so cold
Wanting to hold you, wanting you near,
How much I wanted you home
But now that you've come back
Turned night into day
I need you to stay.

So now I come to you with open arms

Nothing to hide, believe what I say
So here I am with open arms
Hoping you'll see what your love means to me
Open arms.



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